10/16/2021 0 Comments GRAY JAMES![]() HELLO EVERYONE! Woo, it feels good to be writing again. This new momma decided it was time to do a little revamp and bring back the blog -- I love a good creative outlet. And, what better way to "launch" Morgan.Gunde, than with the story of our sweet and beautiful new baby boy, Gray James. As some of you may know, we announced our pregnancy at our wedding AND did our gender reveal. It was epic. Our sweet baby boy was going to be due July 4th, 2021 - we couldn't believe it! Well, fast forward 9 months and we're in week 37 of pregnancy. I'm exhausted, uncomfortable, and I'm ready to get this baby out of me! My c-section, which we had opted for due to a previous injury I had sustained almost 10 years ago, was scheduled for June 29th, I only needed to make it two more weeks. Gray however, had a different birthday in mind. On Tuesday, June 15th, Kyle came home from work, we made breakfast for dinner and I started having contractions. Now, I had been having pre-labor symptoms from about 33 weeks so at first I'm thinking, "Oh, here we go. They'll stop in an hour." An hour went by, my contractions were roughly 5 minutes apart and they weren't stopping. I finished dinner, got up from the table, and started walking upstairs. Kyle yells up, "What are you doing?" - he's internally freaking out at this point but trying to stay super calm. "I'm putting dry shampoo in my hair!" His response, "Oh! We're going to the hospital aren't we?!" "Yep!" - yes, my first thought was, "shit, I didn't wash my hair today, I need to go throw some dry shampoo in before we go!" By 7 p.m. we were checked in, I was hooked up to the machine monitoring my contractions and we were waiting to hear what was next. At that time, I was 1-1.5cm dilated and my contractions were regular but nothing too intense yet. The doctor wanted to wait one hour to see if they continued, to ensure I was in active later. One hour later, I was still in 1.5cm dilated but the contractions were getting more intense and closer together. One more hour passed, I was now dilated to 3cm and the contractions were even more intense. Our nurse left to go call my doctor, one minute later she came back in and said, "You're having a baby tonight!" It. Was. Go. Time. My first thought after hearing "you're having a baby tonight", was "Oh, thank god." My second thought after hearing "you're having a baby tonight", was "Holy shit, we're having Gray tonight!" After our nurse came in and announced it was go time, things started to move pretty quickly. Kyle's phone was dying so we asked if he had time to get the charger and the response was "Run, she's going into surgery 15 minutes." Again my thoughts were, "Holy shit." I thought we'd have like an hour, get our heads wrapped around what was going to happen and then get in there. Nope, this was happening now. So Kyle sprints to the car, quick gets his phone just charged enough. Meanwhile, I'm getting fluids and they're prepping me for the OR. It's around 10-10:30 now and we're just waiting for the doctor to give the nurses the go ahead to bring me back. Around 10:30 the nurse comes back in. "Well, you're bumped, we got an emergency. It'll be about an hour/hour and a half." Okay cool. No big deal. I'm obviously still having contractions, getting tired, but we're okay. An hour goes by and the nurse comes back in again, "Sorry, you're bumped again. It'll be another hour/hour and a half." Okay, okay. My contractions are starting to get unbearable but just one more hour and we'll get to meet our little guy. Finally around 1a.m. the nurse comes in and it's our turn! This next part was completely surreal and something I will never forget. I walk through labor and delivery and into the operating room. Kyle is taken into the 'dad's room' while they prep me. First question I'm asked, "What kind of music would you like to listen to?" - totally unprepared for this I go with 80's rock - a true classic playlist. Next, I get my spinal tap (honestly did not hurt as bad as I thought it was going to). Then, I lay down, chat with the anesthetist, Kyle comes into the room and sits by my head, and the doctor starts to cut. Now this is where it gets really cool. As they're getting ready to pull Gray out, Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N' Roses comes on. 30 seconds into the song Gray was pulled out. Gray was literally born to Sweet Child O' Mine at 1:39a.m on June 16th, 2021. After that, everything went even faster. He was weighed (7lbs. 8oz.), Kyle brought him over to me, I was sewn up, Gray was put in his bassinet and we were wheeled off to recovery. Birth is a whirlwind but one of the greatest things I've ever experienced. I am so thankful everything went smooth, mom and baby were healthy, recovered well, and we are now just loving on our sweet baby boy.
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